The other day, Chris expressed an interest in blacksmithing when we got our farm. So when I went to the library, I picked up a couple of books on the subject.
The first one was The Backyard Blacksmith. Definitely a book for beginners, which was perfect for us! Very thorough with detailed explanations of techniques. The only problem we found with the book was that it tended to focus on decorative projects, rather than the farm-type projects we would find useful. Otherwise, it was an amazing book and a perfect introduction for a beginner.
The other book I grabbed was Farm Blacksmithing. This book was really a collection of articles. Great information. The prices were outdated, but the information wasn't. Not too much has changed about blacksmithing in a couple hundred years, so old information is still useful. The projects were much more useful to us, ranging from hooks and staples to chain and files.
While my mind was mulling blacksmithing, I found this article from Popular Mechanics. Basic blacksmithing, including how to build a forge from recycled or repurposed items. Awesome! Overall, it was a great introduction to the topic and we learned a lot. Mostly that a smithy is something that will definitely have a place on our farm!
Happy Farming!
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