Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Seed Storage

I finally decided that I will have a garden this year, despite the baby coming. I'm going to keep it small, and mostly grow the easy, "indestructible" plants. I also finally ordered some new seeds from Baker Creek Seeds, my favorite seed company. I ordered a pink radish and some luffa gourds. I ordered red noodle beans, too, but I had waited too long and they were out. I'll have to order earlier next year. I haven't grown radish, but I expect those to qualify as indestructible. The luffa gourds will require some work, especially in my shortish growing season, but I can't NOT grow the new seeds, right?

Anyway, on to the seed storage box! I borrowed heavily from these two seed storage posts at Homestead Revival and Chiot's Run. So thank you so much for posting!

I decided to use a photo storage box for my seed storage, mostly because they're inexpensive and readily available. I'd also hoped it would be easy to find a folder template to fit inside, but that was not to be.
To make the folders, I ended up tracing the paper separator cards that came with the box. I folded a piece of cardstock in half and traced the card, with the bottom on the fold. I cut it out and had a template for my folders. I made as many as I needed, folding them in opposite directions so the tabs would alternate. 

I taped the sides of the folders to create pockets. Then I made a sheet for the front. I decided that the only info I needed on the folder was the variety and the year. Any other relevant information I intend to keep in my Garden Journal, which I hope to be posting about soon! The sheets are held to the folders with a paperclip.
Part of me wants to tell you that I worked really hard measuring and tweaking the designs, but honestly, it was by pure dumb luck that my Cricut seed packets fit perfectly in these folders when standing on end.

Happy Farming!